Can my account please be deleted?

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When I created the account I configured the domain name with my DNS domain name, not realising that I can provide only a single word for the variable part. I remove the trailing part but the variable part still contains two words separated by the “.”. The UI did not complain and accepted that.
Now when I try to run the example client app I get 401 unauthorised and a complaint about the domain name.
As I see there is no way for an account holder to change the domain or to delete the account and start over.
Can somebody, please point em to how to get the account deleted?

Thank you.

Hi @jsmith031,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

In order to delete your account, firstly please make sure to delete your tenant(s) by following the guidelines from this documentation.

Once you have deleted your tenant(s) following the steps outlined in the link above, please open a support ticket asking to delete your account and include the email of the account that you would like deleted and any tenants associated with it.


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