i want to limit the number of login (different browser). Like LimitLogin (Windows)
Hey there!
Can you expand a little bit on your usecase? You want the limit to work the way that people can login to multiple different web browsers for limited number of logins? I would love to find out more about the usecase
i want to create subscription site(blog) using auth0. so one account can connect one browser.
To understand you better:
So if user login to our service using Chrome he/she should not be able to login using Safari for example until the logout from Chrome is that correct?
yes . i want to this.
Ok thanks for the context! Can you tell me which stack you wanna use?
i want LIFO way.thank you very much.
I meant the programming language of your choice.
sorry. i want to use php.
Okok. Let me perform some research and get back to you shortly with the resources we have - having in mind your requirements.
thank you for your kindness.
No worries! We’re here for you!
I also have similar case.
Hey there everyone!
Terribly sorry for such a long delay in response! It’s quite busy from time to time here. Let me get back to the topic.
I spoke with a few teams and researched that option and basically there were a few users who already requested such feature as we don’t have such feature in our stack as of now. But! That’s something that the engineering team is going to address this year.
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