I set up an Auth. Provider in Salesforce using Auth0 as the IdP. The auth. provider generated a callback URL for a Salesforce community, which I used as the callback URL in Auth0 configuration.
Callback URL: https://charlie-knowledge-developer-edition.na139.force.com/PartnerCentral/services/authcallback/Auth0
But the Auth0 log shows this error:
Callback URL mismatch: https://login.salesforce.com/services/authcallback/00D4W000001Wwp7UAC/Auth0
is not in the list of allowed callback URLs
Adding https://login.salesforce.com/services/authcallback/00D4W000001Wwp7UAC/Auth0
to the callback URLs fixed the error. But notice the URL only has the org ID “00D4W000001Wwp7UAC”, nothing indicating the community. Of course, login to the community failed.
I also noticed that Salesforce did not generate Existing User Linking URLs for the Auth0 auth. provider. It should, as it does for other identity providers like Google and LinkedIn.