Call REST API within Auth0 forms and flows

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Hello, I am using Auth0 forms and flows feature to add new forms within my universal login page. I have seen the section in flows to call HTTP endpoint as below:

My API requires access_token generated by auth0. I want a way to call my API within flows and store the API response in variable so that I can show the response to the next step of my forms.

Is it possible? If yes then how?


Bump! I have the same issue - there’s no way to authenticate calls to external endpoints with m2m authentication as shown in auth0 blog, entry /using-m2m-authorization/ . There’s HTTP Vault but it stores static bearer token which expires after certain time. There’s no way to obtain access token that can be sent as header to external service.

Hi @mbolek & @yash.panchal,

This is on the roadmap! I cannot speak to a timeline, but this will be addressed by the team at some point.


Mary Beth

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