Bulk imported users unable to sign in to auth0.com

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I used below JSON for importing the users and User Import/Export extension.
“email”: “antoinette@contoso.com”,
“email_verified”: false,
“custom_password_hash”: {
“algorithm”: “md4”,
“hash”: {
“value”: “aeEu1ZGwBgQt2Nhj0xWX1g==”,
“encoding”: “base64”
“email”: “prakash@contoso.com”,
“email_verified”: false,
“custom_password_hash”: {
“algorithm”: “md4”,
“hash”: {
“value”: “aeEu1ZGwBgQt2Nhj0xWX1g==”,
“encoding”: “base64”

The users imported successfully but when try to log in https://auth0.auth0.com/u/login/identifier?state=hKFo2SB2Q0Y3X01jNTFZdlAxVXdYeFRHMzloSjJYUEluS1NuNaFur3VuaXZlcnNhbC1sb2dpbqN0aWTZIGRXUHI5ZHdWTWhNVXY2dnpHbG5ucERNOHk0Qkdheksyo2NpZNkgYkxSOVQ1YXI2bkZ0RE80ekVyR1hkb3FNQ000aU5aU1Y
get the error Wrong email or password.

I need help with what is wrong with it and how to import users who are able to sing into auth0.com

Hey @prakash.rathod!

I understand that the users don’t seem to be imported correctly. I have a few clarifying questions first:

  • Can you see the users with the correct emails in the dashboard?
  • Have you tried testing the password with a test string to verify the passwords are being imported correctly?

It is possible to have the users reset the passwords, but that can defeat the purpose of importing them in the first place.
