I use the auth0-deploy-cli dump and deploy methods to export/import config to a specified Auth0 tenant. This was working yesterday afternoon, but in the afternoon I started getting errors when running both the dump and deploy scripts:
“Failed to deploy configuration for sandbox: Bad Request: Query validation error: ‘Additional properties not allowed: paginate’.”
Looking at the tenant’s logs I’m seeing a Rate Limit error at the same time as the error.
I can’t figure out why this started happening or where ‘paginate’ is coming from.
Hi @remus.ivan, thanks for the response! I guess I’m surprised by this explanation as we’ve been using v7.3.2 for a while and weren’t having this problem earlier in the day that it started. Did Auth0 drop support for versions older than v8 this week?
yesterday I got an error during export so I upgraded to v8, the errors stopped.
now I am on v8 but getting the paginate error
Additional properties not allowed: paginate
$ a0deploy --version
the config file I am using for a0deploy is very simple, I don’t see paginate being used anywhere I can affect.
Is there some way to “reset” whatever is affecting my v8?
The issue was caused by a recent code change in the custom domain management API.
If updating the CLI version to v8 isn’t easy, you may use v7 by excluding the custom domain handling in the config file using the AUTH0_EXCLUDED feature. Custom domain in a tenant is often created once, and updating and exporting aren’t needed except in some edge cases.
We’ve also run into this issue in the last couple of days. We too use a0deploy as part of our CI/CD pipeline. It’s not ideal to have to exclude the customDomains property as we use the same pipeline for spinning up developer environments in separate tenants. Therefore an upvote for a patch to go out on the v7 branch from us. Cheers