Azure Devops Auth0 Action secrets

Good day, I am trying to publish my pipeline for the Azure deploy CLI and everything is going smoothly until i need to utilize my azure variable group which contain variables i need to utilize in my action secrets, my config.json:

      "Env": "{AUTH0-ENV}"

my tenant.yml:

  - name: Add a JWT ID
    code: ./actions/Add a JWT ID/code.js
      - name: uuid
        version: 10.0.0
    deployed: true
    runtime: node18-actions
      - name: Env
        value: "@@Env@@"
    status: built
      - id: post-login
        version: v3

The value im getting when im running and testing my action is “{AUTH0-ENV}”, it seems its not pulling my azure pipeline variable group value. The deploy cli works perfectly and my other azure env variables pull through nicely however my action secrets are not. any idea where im going wrong? Thanks

Hi @HiMz,

I recommend referring to this related community post that addresses how to import your Action Secrets using the Auth0 Deploy CLI.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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