authorizationParams doesn't work to give scope access on login for twitter only

I have been trying to find a way to give access to write posts to an auth0 login user with Twitter. But unable to find a solution in the docs/AI/ or forums.

The request is done with handleAuth and adding extra customParams to the handleLogin:

import { handleAuth, handleLogin } from "@auth0/nextjs-auth0";

export const GET = handleAuth({
  login: async (req, res) => {
    try {
      return await handleLogin(req, res, {
        authorizationParams: {
          connection_scope: 'openid profile email tweet.write'
    } catch (error) {
      return new Response("error");

I will be using both login access (Twitter and Google) to test the reach of the handleLogin authorizationParams with the scopes tweet.write that are needed to create posts on behalf of users that are logged in the platform.

Trying this with a Twitter login will return this screen, only asking for profile access and ignoring the scopes from Twitter inside connection_scope.

The odd thing is that if I try to access with the exact same scope in other social platforms, for example, google. The scope is correctly added to the request, throwing an error for those invalid scopes.

Some requested scopes were invalid. {valid=[openid,,], invalid=[,, tweet.write]}
Error 400: invalid_scope

Asking for more permissions is even possible from auth0?
I didn’t find anywhere in the platform docs that will clarify this.

Currently I made some progress on expanding on the permissions using this method:

Using this endpoint and replacing client_id with the actual environment Auth0_Client_id. The result being that now the access ask for offline_access but ignores tweet.write:

I still have the same question. Is this even possible? Looks like the endpoint is ignoring all the tweet.somescope

Can someone help me with this?

Hi @koppeks,

Thanks for reaching out to the Auth0 Community!

Yes, it is possible to request for more permissions in the context of the scopes for Twitter.

For this scenario, you will need to include both the connection and connection_scope query parameters in your login request.

For example:

  return await handleLogin(req, res, {
    authorizationParams: {
      scope: 'openid profile email offline_access',
      connection: 'twitter',
      connection_scope: 'tweet.write'

Let me know if you continue have issues with this.


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