Auth0 v5 WordPress Edit Issues

Hi there - we’ve been utilizing version 5.2.0 for a few days and it’s been working fine, however I’ve noticed some issues with being able to update pages using our backend editor (Cornerstone from Themeco). When I try to edit a page, it doesn’t load completely. There are a number of console errors, notably 4XX errors when trying to load:

403: /wp-json/themeco/data/template-index?staleTime=0&_locale=user
400: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=cs_make_nonce
403: /wp-includes/js/dist/api-fetch.min.js

When I disable the plugin, I don’t get these errors and am able to edit the page.

Hey @markramos83 :wave:

This is a known bug with changes in WP 6.5 and our WP plugin — you can track the issue over on GitHub here: v5.2 nonce/cookie issue causing repeated logouts · Issue #895 · auth0/wordpress · GitHub

A fix is available from the development branch if you want to clone that repository — I’ve been on vacation this past week, so a release is just pending my return this week.

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