Auth0 universal login font css issue


I’m using the no-code universal login and have been struggling with the custom font. I’ve allowed cors for * for this woff2 font, but nothing seems to get it working. Digging further into the code how auth0 declares this font in css it seems that the custom font produces incorrect css code for woff2?

This is the code auth0 produced for woff2 font. Type to my understanding should be woff2, not woff which should be the reason why it isn’t working.

I was only able to get this working by using a woff font instead of woff2. This is clearly an issue and should be fixed at auth0.



Also, an additional non-font related issue: once you’ve set a logo and remove it, it never clears properly from the generated html and just keeps floating around as a 404 if the file is removed from source…

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