Auth0 social connection not recognising azure ad account

I am new to auth0, i have implemented social connections to my app for login purpose. User can login through either google, microsoft or apple. One of my client tried to login using microsoft with his azure ad credentials but he is facing a issue as below. Can anyone help me up with the solution TIA.

Hi @anudeep.reddy!

Microsoft has different forms of account, a personal Microsoft account, and a work/business Microsoft account that is tied to a particular AD server.

When creating the social connection for Microsoft on your Auth0 tenant, you would have to have registered an application on an Azure AD tenant to point the connection at:

When registering the application with Microsoft, you have a choice of which account types to support, also known as the sign in audience. To allow both personal and other Azure AD directories to log into your application, you would need to set this to " Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts"

This should allow your client to log in using their own Azure AD credentials via the Microsoft social connection.

I don’t think the solution mentioned by @sgo would work. Microsoft social login works only for personal Microsoft Accounts and not the work accounts. For login using an Azure AD account, one would need to create an Azure AD enterprise connection or SAML connection.