Auth0 not allowing email id in username field in user creation

I am unable to create the user in an auth0 environment with the email id in username field.
Also the same request is not being logged in logs in monitoring.

Also attached the error for reference.

Kindly please tell the setting to configure this option while user creation.

Hi @dineshjmsbw25

Thank you for reaching out!

I believe the root cause of this issue is that Username is not set as an Attribute for the Database where you want to create the user. You will need to access the Database → Attributes → " + Add Attribute " and configure Username to be accepted. You can follow this documentation for additional details.
An additional note while configuring the Username Attribute, under the Username length section, you should find an Advanced Settings option. If you click on it, you can then enable " Allow usernames in email format".

I have tested on my end as well to make sure and I can confirm that this has allowed me to create a new user with the " " username, as in the example that you provided.

Same as you mentioned, I also do not have any log for the failed user creation on my end, likely due to this operation not passing the initial requirements for creating a user. As the correct credentials have not been setup in order to proceed with the creation process, this stops at this point and the error thrown is " local ", only present on the User Creation screen.

Hope this helped!