Auth0 Lock V11 there is no close button and V11 lock does not remember last login

I just ugraded to Auth0 Lock11 from Lock10 in Angualr Js

Everything is working fine except

  1. There is no close button on right top even when I configure the Auth0Lock Configuration

  2. It does not remember last password logging In

My Environment
Angular 1.7.9, Auth0-lock:11.23, angular-lock:3.0.4, auth0-js v9.13.2

closable: true,
autoclose: true,
allowedConnections: [‘Username-Password-Authentication’, ‘facebook’, ‘google-oauth2’],
rememberLastLogin: true

clientID: localStorage.getItem(“auth0ClientId”),
domain: localStorage.getItem(“auth0Domain”),
options: LOCK_OPTIONS,

Attached is lock

I was able to get the close button by the updating the Index…
Remember me is not working for Universal login