Auth0.js 9.14.0 captcha?

when i try to create Universal Login custom Page using auth0.js, i found param captcha.

auth0.js 9.14.0 needs captcha.getValue()
this param is what?

div ~class=captcha-container~ tag display CAPTCHA that is set by [anormaly detection → bot detection → simple captcha] ??
this docment is not written about this param “captcha”…

      realm: databaseConnection,
      email: email,
      password: password,
      captcha: captcha.getValue()
    }, function(err) {
      if (err) displayError(err);

Hello, @kitafujifumiya009311 - welcome back to the Auth0 Community!

That is a value that is used when Bot Detection is on, which will allow for your page to get the value of the captcha used to prevent Credential Stuffing attacks.

Let us know if you have any other questions!

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