Auth0 Guardian Apps Problem and added new funtion

1.Auth0 Guardian have be crash and close immediately when edit/delete auth0 or third party token
2.Add New funtion
-User can move token to others device
-User can backup token (with encrypted) in cloud storage (with auth0 cloud storage’s server or third party cloud storage’s server aka.onedrive, apple cloud, google drive, dropbox ETC)
-User can key token with hand-typing manualy (and can setting perference of token)
-User can sort token easies with one operation
-User can add token via otpauth:// protocal
-User can add/remove picture or edit detail of token in any where every time
-User can enabled/disabled screenshot of any device (with base on time or user take action)
-User can set password/biometric immediately without add/set token first before
-User can set dark mode UI/UX

@dan.woda is here sir.