Auth0 Dropbox Integration : How to get drop box access token?

  1. When a user signs on to my app using Auth0 DropBox social media, are they granting my app permissions to push content to their drop box folder for my app?
  2. If so, how to I get the necessary drop box access token?
  3. The user profile contains the below excerpts:


"userProfile": {
    "dropbox_referral_link": "",
    "clientID": "mRoYZPvSNpfjTcbo9zDpQJXYVcbDgkl9",
    "user_id": "dropbox|639316258",
    "identities": {
        "provider": "dropbox",
        "user_id": 639316258,
        "connection": "dropbox",
        "isSocial": true
    "global_client_id": "yYSOfRRL7EUsJMY44Bb123wYhFbDoffI"

Thanks in advance for pointing me to the applicable documentation.

When you configure the Dropbox connection you will as part of the process indicate the type of access you intend to grant to the application so the level of access will depend on how you configured the connection. For reference, see:

The underlying Dropbox access token will not be shown on the user profile shown at the Auth0 Dashboard for security reasons, if you want to have access to these token see:

In addition, you may to also read the following general documentation about access tokens associated with external identity providers:

Also trying to figure this out - new to oauth and auth0. Can anyone explain concretely how to achieve this or point in the right direction?

What auth flows need to take place in order to obtain a dropbox api oauth2 access token?

Also trying to figure this out - new to oauth and auth0. Can anyone explain concretely how to achieve this or point in the right direction?

What auth flows need to take place in order to obtain a dropbox api oauth2 access token?