Auth0 API don't get token for Passwordless

I hope get token for Auth0 API form Passwordless.
But I can’t got token.
I executed API in the next step.

①. POST passwordless/start → send message verification codes.
②. POST oauth/token

  "grant_type": "password",
  "username": "+*******", 
  "password": "verification codes",
  "audience": "https://******",
  "scope": "openid",
  "client_id": "******************************",
  "client_secret": "******************************"

this response was error in the following step.

    "error": "invalid_grant",
    "error_description": "Wrong email or password."

But I don’t wrong inputs form username and password.

I reckon usename = phone number and password = verification codes.
Do I wrong step ?

Hey there!

Sorry for such delay in response! We’re doing our best in providing the best developer support experience out there, but sometimes the number of incoming questions is just too big for our bandwidth. Sorry for such inconvenience!

Do you still require further assistance from us?