Auth0 action webtask log streaming to datadog

Hi there,

I see there is a way to create a log stream that sends auth0 event logging to datadog: But it doesn’t include the logging produced in the custom code from actions.

I wonder if there is a way to create a log stream that sends auth0 action/hook log to datadog? I only see there is a realtime webtask log extension (Real-time Webtask Logs Extension), but it doesn’t create a stream to send the log elsewhere for additional processing.



As far as I know, at this time there is no way to send RT webtask logs anywhere. Tenant logs can certainly be sent to datadog, but not webtask logs unfortunately.

You might be able to figure out a way to scrape the raw webtask logs. The raw logs can be pulled from a URL that looks like:


but you need the ${KEY} which comes from the RT webtask log extension itself.

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That’s correct! Thanks for helping here Mark!