Arrays Mapped to String in OIDC or Okta Workforce Connection


When using the Open ID Connect (OIDC) attribute mapping options to pull additional profile attributes into the Auth0 stored user profile, arrays are mapped to comma-separated strings.

Applies To

  • OIDC Enterprise Connection
  • Okta Workforce Enterprise Connection


This is a current limitation of the attribute mapping when mapping_mode is set to use_map or basic_profile.


To keep the array structure, the bind_all mapping mode in the connection’s User Mapping settings is currently necessary.

  • This ensures the required claims are passed in the ID token sent to Auth0 so they can be mapped into the Auth0 copy of the user profile in the same format as in the ID token.

  • Okta Workforce connections cannot currently use bind_all mapping, so for custom claims, an OIDC Enterprise connection will need to be used instead.

    It should also be noted that a given Okta domain may have several different “authorization servers,” and these can be configured differently as to what claims they put into tokens:

  • Authorization servers

  • Customize tokens returned from Okta with custom claims

Related References