App not showing error message when logging in with unverified email

I have an email verification login flow set up. When i try to login without verifying the email, my shinyapp immediately redirects back to login without showing the error message. When I test the universal login separately, the message is shown as expected. Any ideas?

Hi @illuminum-ds,

I have inspected your tenant and found that you have created some actions, but none of them are attached to a flow (i.e. Post Login). I noticed you have some verification email action scripts that need to be bound to the Post Login flow for them to function correctly.

Once you have attached them to your Post Login flow, you should see the error message below when an unverified email user tries to log in:

Please verify your email before continuing

Let me know how this goes for you.


Hi @rueben.tiow,

the outcome is the same, no matter if I attach a custom email verification action to the flow or the Require Email Verification from the Auth0 library. Could the error be on the shiny side? It seems there could be a callback URL which causes the immediate redirection back to login, but I can’t figure out where to change this.

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