Log shows type: [Success Cross Origin Authentication] and then straight away [Success Logout]
In our app, we’re using: auth0_client_id, auth0_domain, auth0_public_key (pem file generated in auth0 advanced settings and Certificates tab ) and auth0_token (generated in auth0.com Auth0 Management API, api details, API Explorer.
Let me know what else I should provide for you guys to help me out.
Can i answer myself this question? Could this be becuase I reached the tier of 1000 tokens per month? Shouldn’t there be a notification that we’re near the limit and where to check it please ?
That’s definitely not the limit cause as you said we never cut off functionality like that but inform the user beforehand. Are you sure nothing changed in your implementation / stack in the meantime?
@konrad.sopala New month started, but still can’t login. Does it mean the number of tokens (1000) are one-time only or per month? The paid account says 5000 tokens - is it also valid only once ?
Can i check somewhere how are fast they’re used ?
I have developed an application using reactjs and rest services. Now I want to add an login and logout option for the user . I have created successfully created the login page and when I click the login button it redirects to the main page and logout immediately.