Api.access.deny error display in New Universal Login widget

Feature: Proper placement of api.access.deny error display in New Universal Login widget

Description: Having api.access.deny("Invalid_email", "Please use valid Email address"); error on the New Universal Login page highlights Password field and display the error under Password field, as if there is issue with Password. Is there a config/setting to tag the field name when denying access or have the error displayed without Password field being highlighted to not confuse the users

Use-case: Having Password field highlighted in this situation confuse users, as if something is wrong with the password they are trying to set. So at the very least password field should not be highlighted in case of api.access.deny error display in New Universal Login widget

Hi @amrit,

Thanks for the feedback!

Hello guys,
using the new Universal Login and the Passwordless flow, is it possible to display somehow the api.access.deny error?
The onExecutePreUserRegistration Action is getting executed but the error in my case it is not displayed somewhere. Please note that I am using Passwordless flow and I try to restrict the emails domains.


Has anyone found a way to make this work?