Angular Interceptor: Set cacheMode compiler error


Using the Auth0 Angular SDK and the configuring the Interceptor, I’m trying to pass in the cacheMode parameter as part of the tokenOptions object as follows:

allowedList: [
uri: ‘*’,
tokenOptions: {
authorizationParams: {
audience: ‘https://api.api.api’,
cacheMode: ‘off’,

But I get the following error at compile time:

Types of property ‘allowedList’ are incompatible.

Type '({ uri: string; tokenOptions: { authorizationParams: { audience: string; }; cacheMode: string; }; } | { uri: string; tokenOptions: { authorizationParams: { audience: string; }; cacheMode?: undefined; }; })[]' is not assignable to type 'ApiRouteDefinition[]'.

  Type '{ uri: string; tokenOptions: { authorizationParams: { audience: string; }; cacheMode: string; }; } | { uri: string; tokenOptions: { authorizationParams: { audience: string; }; cacheMode?: undefined; }; }' is not assignable to type 'ApiRouteDefinition'.

    Type '{ uri: string; tokenOptions: { authorizationParams: { audience: string; }; cacheMode: string; }; }' is not assignable to type 'ApiRouteDefinition'.

      Type '{ uri: string; tokenOptions: { authorizationParams: { audience: string; }; cacheMode: string; }; }' is not assignable to type 'HttpInterceptorRouteConfig'.

        The types of 'tokenOptions.cacheMode' are incompatible between these types.
          Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"off" | "on" | "cache-only"'.

The weird thing is, when I set the same parameter when calling getAccessTokenSilently directly I don’t get the same error:

authorizationParams: {
audience: ‘https://api.api.api’,
cacheMode: ‘off’,

Both objects, tokenOptions in the interceptor and options of the getAccessTokenSilently method, are the same type GetTokenSilentlyOptions.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!