After logging out how can I redirect the user back to the Auth0 login page?

I am creating an Angular 7 single page application and I am using Auth0 to log in. When the user clicks logout in my application I want the user to be logged out of the auth0 server and then redirect back to auth0 login page.

The tutorial I am currently following suggests that I should redirect back to a component in my application with a login button, and from there the user clicks log in and it sends me to the auth0 login page.

I understand I should be doing something like what I have below.


Hi there @spmtest, as described in our Logout documentation, you redirect the user after a successful logout. Here is a excerpt from that documentation below:

To redirect a user after logout, add a returnTo querystring parameter with the target URL as the value. We suggest that you encode the target URL being passed in. For example, to redirect the user to after logout, you can make the following request:


You will need to add the non-encoded returnTo URL (for these examples, it is ) as an Allowed Logout URLs in one of two places:

  • For logout requests that do not include the client_id parameter, such as:

you must add the returnTo URL (for example ) to the Allowed Logout URLs list in the Advanced tab of your Tenant Settings. See Set the Allowed Logout URLs at the Tenant Level for more information.

  • For logout requests that include the client_id parameter, such as:

you must add the returnTo URL (for example ) to the Allowed Logout URLs list in the Settings tab of your Auth0 app that is associated with the specified CLIENT_ID . See Set the Allowed Logout URLs at the Application Level for more information.

However if by chance I am misunderstanding your desired result please let me know as I am happy to help! Thanks!

Hey @James.Morrison, thanks for the response. I believe you slightly misunderstood my desired result.

When the user clicks logout I want to redirect the user to the following Auth0 Login page.

I’m not sure what the correct return url would be to allow the user to login.

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Hi @spmtest,

James can probably better answer this than I can, but I believe redirecting back to the hosted login page (which seems to be what you are demonstrating) is a bad idea. The hosted login page URL has a state parameter, and that parameter is time limited. After a while the URL becomes invalid and the user will get an error if they try logging in.


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