Additional security - SMS not received (number of SMSs allowed per hour exceeded

Feature: Custom text from SMS error

Description: The following SMS error message could not be customised in Auth0 Tenants since they were part of Auth0 product design (IP in GitHub repo).

Error Message Type 1 "We have found an error sending your code. Please try again in a few second”.

Error Message Type 2: "You have exceeded the amount of SMS per hour. Wait few minutes and try again. "

Use-case: The below message are misleading while trying to send MFA SMS with in few seconds

Error Message Type 1 "We have found an error sending your code. Please try again in a few second”.

Error Message Type 2: "You have exceeded the amount of SMS per hour. Wait few minutes and try again. "

Expected/Correct Message would be

Error Message Type 1 "We have found an error sending your code. Please try again in a few minutes or Please try again in <5> minutes” .

Error Message Type 2: "You have exceeded the amount of SMS per hour. Wait few minutes and try again or Please try again in <5> minutes .