Additional Data fields

Hello everyone, I have tried to understand how to add additonal fields both in the old as in the new universal login experience but I cannot really follow.

Do I understand correctly that using the new universal login experience, its not possible to add more fields to signup/login if you are on the Free plan? (because you need page templates which need custom domains which are not available in free tier?)

I need to somehow store First Name in the User Profile but I really do not understand how. Maybe someone would be kind enough to push me in the right direction as this is my first time using Auth0.

Context: Building a dashboard application with React, TS and Vite, hosted on Vercel.

Hi @VincenzoKoestler

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question. We have a dedicated custom signup doc page that would share all option, but the one I would recommend to you, based on your description is progressive profiling, which will ultimately let you collect all the necessery informations from the user.

I hope it will help you.


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