Add rate limiting and cache for m2m token authentication endpoints


Feature: Provide a short title of your feature request/feedback.

Allow cache and rate limiting by client id for m2m token authentication endpoints.

Description: Give us some details about your feedback/feature request. Examples, screenshots, videos, etc. are helpful.

This is a similar ask related to Please provide a built-in solution to rate-limit and cache M2M authentication tokens - Auth0 Community

Use-case: Tell us what you are building. How would the feedback/feature improve your experience?

We use m2m tokens to allow our (B2B) clients to integrate with our APIs. However, it’s really hard to control their implementation.
It’s not uncommon that their server keeps calling auth0 asking for new m2m tokens that can lead to over-quota pretty easily.

Right now, we are adding another layer on top of auth0 to cache tokens that are still valid.

Hey there!

Thanks for creating this feedback card. Let’s see who else would be interested in such improvement!


I have exactly the same requirement.
This is crucial to avoid (our) customer misunderstandings and abuse.
An action that can alleviate this could also be a way to solve it


I ended up wrapping a thin layer of API that has a built-in cache around the token endpoints.

Hi there, can you share the details of how you did it?

@dayeye2006 I am interested in how you handled this issue. We are considering a similar solution. Did you end up caching your third-party clients tokens and also rate limiting their requests?

@konrad.sopala Are you able to provide an update on this request? Or suggestions for mitigating the concerns raised?

Roughly I am doing things like below:

def get_token(client_id, client_secret):
   cached_token = cache.get(client_id)
   if is_expire(cached_token):
      token = call_auth0(client_id, client_secret)
      cache.put(client_id, token)
      token = cached_token
   return token

cc @fpmoraes

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@dayeye2006 Nice job, Can we do that in auth0 hook? We can’t really work by auth 0 M2M by this pricing model!


A post was merged into an existing topic: Caching in Actions

Not being able to cache M2M tokens or to rate-limit the generation of these tokens by application is a real show-stopper for us.

We wanted to open up our APIs to partners, but this is impossible in the current state. Within a few minutes, one single partner/customer can block the APIs for everyone else.

The two solutions that I see here, are:

  • Put a rate-limit on token generation by application, so that an M2M API consumer can only block himself, if generation is abused.
  • Implement a cache for generated tokens so that the API owners can control the generation through token lifetime.

What has been suggested in the past, is to use a Hook/Action to control the token generation or the cache. But this would need something like a redis openly available on the Internet to cache lifetimes, application IDs, etc. This is both a problem for high-availability and for security.

We would gladly pay more, but the upgraded account types only contain more tokens per month. So the problem would remain the same.

this has also been discussed a long time ago here:

This feature would be highly appreciated!


If we have a solution where we use the REDIS cache and then throw an error when we hit the specific limit that we set. Does the token usage only increment on successful passes or does it count for each invocation of the API?

Thanks, Konrad;

To be frank, this seems like a big - huge - gaping hole in the feature offering of Auth0. Who wouldn’t be interested in this improvement? In a world where we pay for tokens – this is a problem that every user of tokens has to solve, there is no way around it. This has to be a DRY violation on a massive scale : )

Thanks again,



3 posts were split to a new topic: Caching in Actions

Is there a way to use actions caching to accomplish this? We are having serious issues with B2B partners blowing through our M2M token quotas because we have no way to rate limit. Looking through the docs on the M2M flow, it isn’t clear to me how one would go about fetching a cached access token and returning that instead of a new one to avoid this problem.

Hey @chris45,

We don’t currently have a solution for this. The “caching in actions” that just rolled out is entirely unrelated and covers caching external resources within an action. (e.g. caching a token you retrieve from Slack). It doesn’t control issuing tokens to your clients.

Totally agree. Lately we released a feature in which our customers can use our API and in 3 weeks we got to a whopping number that covers about 85% of our monthly quota, although we currently have only 10 api clients. From what I see our customers request for a new token upon each request, but I can’t really control their usage. I don’t want to cache it on my side, I don’t think that’s an appropriate solution.
Currently we are starting to investigate for solutions other than auth0 for this issue, because it’s a really big issue for us.


Thanks for the added context @yanivs

We had an incident this week: a client failed to cache their token and burned through 360,000 tokens in one day. This was way over the quota we’d paid for. We are charged for these tokens (I think on our plan, this number of tokens comes out to ~$2k).

I can see why Auth0 wouldn’t prioritize this: reducing the number of M2M tokens consumed certainly cuts into their bottom line. I’m not sure we would if this were where I work.

That said, as a former champion of Auth0 at work, I’m now on an impromptu-created cross-functional team to investigate moving off of it.

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For AWS users, one thing that could be done is contribute a community maintained construct to, a library of infrastructure-as-code modules using the AWS CDK tool.

We could use API Gateway, Lambda, and DynamoDB to make a serverless endpoint that caches tokens based on a client ID and client secret.

There could also be a non-serverless option that uses Redis.

Users needing a cache could deploy this construct to their AWS account, fetching tokens from an API Gateway /token endpoint rather than going to Auth0 directly.

The lambda function written for this framework could be reused if someone wanted to implement the same solution in Terraform or Pulumi.