Add additonal scopes to Social Connection in outh0

I am tyring to add scope ‘user-read-playback-state’ so I can access the user’s active device list on spotify. In Social Connection there are only two scopes/permissions available:

I have tried adding scope by doing this but to no avial. When I redirect the user to the spotify’s auth, the scope is not there in the url. The custom scope is not showing up.

    <App />

Is there something I am missing here? Does that mean I can’t access anything beyond what Spotify Social has already defined for me ( only “user-read-private” and “user-read-email” ).
Thank you in advance.

Found the solution:
Go to your dashboard on go to extensions and install:
Custom Social Connections extension.
This tool allows solved all of my problems at once. Thank you.

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Perfect! Thanks for sharing it with the rest of community!

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