Add 'accept terms and conditions' - store acceptance in user_metadata


As part of login process, is there a documented way to show a ‘terms and conditions’ page with an ‘accept’ checkbox or button, which can then be stored in the user_metadata?

I have tried just adding to middleware to check if user has accepted terms by setting a property in user_metadata, then redirecting to terms-condition page if necessary. However from that, though I ‘think’ I can make an PATCH API call to api/v2/users/:id endpoint to update the user, I then shall have the problem that the session info doesn’t contain the new accepted terms status. (is there a way I can refresh the session with the new value without logging out/in again or am I completely off track in my approach?)

For reference, I’m using typescript/nextjs if relevant.

Thank you in advance


Hi @noelt.dolan,

Yes, this is possible with Auth0 Redirect Actions. You can redirect your users to an external page where you gather their consent and store it in the user’s user_metadata.

You can also selectively trigger this based on some criteria, such as, their login count, like during their first time logging in.

You can append the user’s user_metadata as a custom claim after the redirect has completed and this way that information can be retrieved during the same session flow.

Here is a reference using Rules. You will have to convert it to an Action:

Let me know how this goes for you.


Thanks Rueben, your suggestion worked well. Just one minor annoyance though with user event.secrets in the custom actions, I can’t ‘see’ what the values are that I’ve set each key. Could you add a show/hide option which is very common on other platforms?


Hi @noelt.dolan,

Great to hear that the solution worked well for you!

Generally, you can include a console.log(event.secrets.KEY) in your script, press the test button, and see the value you have set for your secrets.

If you would like to see an option to show/hide these secrets, I recommend creating a feedback request asking for this feature.



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