Feature: Provide a short title of your feature request/feedback.
Destructive terraform actions for the flow vault connection resource does not produce a 409 conflict error if that vault is in use by a flow.
Description: Give us some details about your feedback/feature request. Examples, screenshots, videos, etc. are helpful.
When the terraform attempted to apply with the flow deletion, it prevented the destroy action with this error:
Error: 409 Conflict: You cannot delete a flow associated to a form
But the flow vault connection was destroyed without error even though the vault connection was in use by a flow. Would be a nice feature add to have similar handling for other in-use resources such as the flow vault connection.
Use-case: Tell us what you are building. How would the feedback/feature improve your experience?
We were adding Terraform configuration to our existing form/flow/flow vault connections after these resources were added to the Auth0 provider. The check would have helped prevent an accidental destruction of in an in use flow vault connection (as it did with the flow).