ACUL connection "disable sign ups" missing

Hi Auth0

I am working on ACUL, and in data I have data about current connection in the transaction object. But what I miss here is information about “disable sign ups”, can I somehow add this to data?

I also see client.metadata being null. How/when is this object pupulated?


Hi @brian_jorgensen

In order to disable the sign ups using ACUL, for the respective login screen that you are using, there is a specific interface called TransactionMembersOnLogin which include a parameter called isSignupEnabled. By setting this to false, it should disable the signups for that specific screen.

You can read more about the transaction interfaces on the ACUL Github Documentation.

Regarding the client.metadata value, it is also known as application.metadata which can be set in order to be accessible application wide. As it is stated in the dashboard:

Application metadata are custom string keys and values (max 255 characters each), set on a per application basis. Metadata is exposed in the Client object as client_metadata, and in Rules as context.clientMetadata.

You can read more about it in our documentation.

If you have any other questions, feel free to leave a reply!

Kind Regards,