Actions forms email sending

Hey, community!

Early flows looks awesome!
We wanna send emails with this flows, but there is only “SendGrid” and “Mailjet” options for that.

Wanna know is there any plans to add “SMTP” or “Amazon SES” actions? If we would have same options as it it already in “Branding → Email Provider”, that would be great!

Thanks, Maksym

Hi @maksym.vitkovskyi,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Yes, we do have plans to add SMTP and Amazon SES actions.

For now, as a workaround, we suggest using the HTTP request action to make a request to send mail using SES. This action should allow you to integrate anything that involves an API.

I also recommend checking out this related community post as well:


Hey, @rueben.tiow !

Yea, that’s solution. Thanks for such quick and detailed answer!

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