Account Linking Extension | Account-Linking Metadata Not Merging After Node.js Runtime Upgrade


The article addresses an issue encountered when using the Account Linking Extension in conjunction with the Authorization Extension for merging metadata from primary to secondary identities. The issue arose after upgrading the Node.js runtime from Node.js 12 to Node.js 16, leading to permission access problems for some users.

Applies To

  • Account Linking Extension
  • Authorization Extension
  • Node.js Runtime Upgrade (Node.js 12 to Node.js 16)


After upgrading the Node.js runtime to version 16, the rule configured within the Account Linking Extension required a refresh. Such issues can occur due to environmental changes impacting the behavior or compatibility of previously functioning configurations.


  • Recreate the rule within the Account Linking Extension.
  • Navigate to the Account Linking Extension.
  • Delete the existing rule.
  • Recreate the rule using the same configuration.
  • Test the metadata merging functionality to ensure it is working as expected.

Recreating the rule often resolves such issues by reinitializing the configuration to adapt to changes introduced by the runtime upgrade.

It is an edge-case possibility to delete and recreate the rule, as the extension has the necessary rights to create a rule even though the rules are read-only for everyone.