About the Community Member Spotlight Series

Community Member Spotlight Series :studio_microphone:

What is Community Member Spotlight Series?

It is a written Q&A, covering a combination of personal and professional questions hosted in the Auth0 Community Forum with further promotion on Auth0 Community Twitter account.

It recognizes and celebrates community members who are leading the way by sharing their expertise, connecting with peers, providing valuable help and feedback.

Who is eligible to participate?

Contributors in the community who are active by asking & answering topics, engaging in various discussions, liking/commenting on topics and more.

How do you know how often I contribute?

We have analytics in place that allow us to track solutions you provide, replies you make and likes you give and receive.

What does the process look like?

We determine members based on our data and then reach out to those people through a private message here in the forum. After that we either schedule a call or discuss potential questions here in the forum. Once this part is done, a new topic is created within this category telling the story of that person.