About domain settings and page templates for custom domains

①Regarding Domain settings with a custom domain, the message “Error! API Error. Please contact support if the problem persists” is displayed and the domain cannot be added.

(Example: auth0.development.com)

Please tell me the cause and the solution. What domain should I use?

②Regarding the creation of page templates, I would like to customize them with New Universal Login.
It says that page templates are applied via the Management API, but even when I look at the dashboard, I don’t know where to start writing HTML. Where should I start?

*auth0 documentation

Hi @fujii.takayuki

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

  1. First, To add a custom domain to your tenant, your tenant has to be on a higher tier than free. You can either do it during the trial period or on paid tiers. Our Documentation team prepared an extensive guide about adding a custom domain to a tenant with auth0 and self-managed certificates. I’m linking them below.
  1. Yes, you are right! Page templates are managed via Management API. There’s no HTML code editor in the Auth0 Dashboard, but you need to upload the code via request or by using a CLI

API managed-> https://auth0.com/docs/customize/login-pages/universal-login/customize-templates#page-templates-api

By using CLI → https://auth0.com/docs/customize/login-pages/universal-login/customize-templates#using-the-auth0-cli-

I hope this will help you manage your Universal Login Page!


Thank you for your reply.
I followed the documentation and was able to solve the problem.

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