A button to go back to the applicatio is not displayed in email-verification-result screen

This is my first time to ask a question.
Please forgive me if there are some poor points.

I’m trying to use the New Universal Login Experience to put a button link to the login page on the email address verification completion page.

I set up the Application Login URI by referring to the article below.
Configure Default Login Routes.

However, the link button to the login page was never displayed as shown in the image below.

The password reset completion screen will work as follows.

Is there anything else I need to set?
Thank you for your time.

Hi @AT274,

I just tested this out with the following request:

body: {"initiate_login_uri": "https://MY-URL"}

How are you creating the test user?

When I initiate a login from the application, the button is displayed. However, if I create a new user from the Auth0 dashboard Users page or via the Management API, then I do not see the button.

To always show a button, you can add a tenant-level login URI in the advanced tenant settings:

Hello, @stephanie.chamblee
Thank you for your answer.

When I initiate a login from the application, the button is displayed. However, if I create a new user from the Auth0 dashboard Users page or via the Management API, then I do not see the button.
To always show a button, you can add a tenant-level login URI in the advanced tenant settings:

Based on these findings, we conducted an experiment and found the following.

  1. When I registered a new user, the button appeared on the email authentication completion screen. Thank you very much.
  2. On the other hand, the button was not displayed when the authentication email was resent from the Management API.

I am trying to resend the authentication email using Rules and Management API when a user tries to login without verifying the email address.(I use Rules to redirect to a page that indicates that the email address is not valid.)
Is there any way to display a button on the authentication completion screen even when using the Management API?

To always show a button, you can add a tenant-level login URI in the advanced tenant settings:

The domain is slightly different for each application, so I don’t think this method will be able to revert to the application you tried to log in from…

Thank you very much for your help.

Hi @AT274,

You can specify the client ID of the application in the request to POST/api/v2/jobs/verification-email:

  "user_id": "google-oauth2|1234",
  "client_id": "Application-client-id"

The button will be displayed for the application based on the client ID you send in the request.

Hope that helps!

Hello @stephanie.chamblee.
Just as you taught me, by passing the client_id as an argument, the button is now displayed! :slight_smile:

I learned a lot. Thank you very much.

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