I’m having some trouble obtaining user information with an access_token, and unfortunately a lot of the previous questions on this topic refer to The /userinfo endpoint returns 401 (Unauthorized) - Auth0 Community which is now private or deleted.
My use case is to retrieve an id_token from a trusted system where there is no user interaction. The process I am using is this:
- Get access_token
First I execute:
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://octopusk8s.auth0.com/oauth/token' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"grant_type":"password", "username":"admin", "password":"passwordgoeshere", "scope":"openid", "client_id": "clientidgoeshere", "client_secret": "clientscretgoeshere"
This successfully returns an access_token. The token uses RS256, and includes “https://octopusk8s.auth0.com/userinfo” as an audience (see the image for the details of the JWT extracted using https://jwt.io/). As far as I’m aware these are the two requirements that a token has to satisfy to call /userinfo.
- Call /userinfo
I then execute:
curl --url https://octopusk8s.auth0.com/userinfo --header Authorization: Bearer accesstokengoeshere‘
The result of this is 401, with the WWW-Authenticate header saying
Bearer realm="Users", error="invalid_token", error_description="The access token signature could not be validated. A common cause of this is requesting multiple audiences for an access token signed with HS256, as that signature scheme requires only a single recipient for its security. Please change your API to employ RS256 if you wish to have multiple audiences for your access tokens"
What sequence of calls can I make with curl (because there is no interactive user and no browser) to get an id_token?