XAMARIN Quickstart error, Token Validation Errors

I am currently trying to get the XAMARIN quickstart working, namely for Android, however I keep getting the following error when looking at the login results:

Error validating token response: Error validating identity token: Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenInvalidSignatureException: IDX10503: Signature validation failed…

Auth0 LOGS show successful sign in, but seems to be on the client side, which I realize is not on Auth0 control, but soemthing going on in the Quickstart provided…

I’ve followed the change of client to use RS256, but can’t seem to get this working.
My CallBacks are good, but really seems to be something in validation of signature, which seems to be part of the ?Xamarin.Auth? call stack? , so a little confused.

Do we need to make the client explicit ? OIDC Conformant ?
I’ve also tried setting the android settings in the Advanced Settings, (Name and Key Hashes) but still no joy !
Any suggestion would be very welcome, since I’ve not been able to get this working for a few hours now, not feeling so smooth for one of the quickstarts…

We just released an update a few days ago using our latest SDK for OIDC conformant clients. I recommend you try downloading this and see whether this runs for you: