Post registration hook - user id


I need to access in post registration hook, but it seems its undefined

module.exports = function(user, context, cb) {
  // Perform any asynchronous actions, e.g. send notification to Slack.
    method: 'POST',
    url: '',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    body: `{  "email": "${}", "fkAuth": "${}" }`
  }, function(error, response, body) {
    cb(error, response)

In user there is no attribute id, is there any other option how to obtain it ?

This was found to be a bug which has now been resolved. You can access the id through

user.user_id is also undefined. This is user object, no ID inside

 { tenant: 'my-tenant',
  username: 'user1',
  email: '',
  emailVerified: true,
  phoneNumber: '1-000-000-0000',
  phoneNumberVerified: true,
  user_metadata: { hobby: 'surfing' },
  app_metadata: { plan: 'full' }

Any update on this bug? user_id is not accessible in the post-registration hook

How are you able to do a POST request? I’m getting a 500 error when I try to do a POST. =(

Any update on this bug? user_id is not accessible in the post-registration hook

user.user_id is also undefined. This is user object, no ID inside

 { tenant: 'my-tenant',
  username: 'user1',
  email: '',
  emailVerified: true,
  phoneNumber: '1-000-000-0000',
  phoneNumberVerified: true,
  user_metadata: { hobby: 'surfing' },
  app_metadata: { plan: 'full' }

Thanks for pointing this out. We have resolved a bug that was causing this - you should now be able to use

Hey! I still don’t get the id attribute in the user object. When I log it in the hook dev console, it’s undefined. Any update?

To the Auth0 team: I confirm that it’s impossible get the id attribute in the user object. Her’s what I get when I log it in the hooks dev console:`

{ user: { tenant: 'my-tenant', username: 'user1', email: '', emailverified: true, phonenumber: '1-000-000-0000', phonenumberverified: true, user_metadata: { hobby: 'surfing' }, app_metadata: { plan: 'full' } } } 

This bug is happening again, the user object does not have an id.

This bug is happening again, the user object does not have an id.

@kangarup @kaumac I am looking into this on my end.

@kangarup @kaumac can you confirm whether this issue is still happening for you? I have tested on my tenant and see

@prashant it is actually working, sorry for my mistake. I just didn’t have an id on the request body on the webtask editor. But when the hook is actually called from a real event, the id is there.

@christiankindhealth thanks for pointing this out. We found a bug which has been resolved - you should now have access to