Authorization Extension: unable to view group members

I got following error for some groups.

 Oh snap! An error occured while loading the members: [object Object]

Same error in the extension dashboard after adding a user to a group using the extension’s API

Same error in the extension dashboard after adding a user to a group using the extension’s API

I fixed it by removing the “faulty” user I had added to the group. For me it was “faulty” in that I didn’t prefix its id with its connection name when I added it to the group using the extension’s API.

E.g. I added it as {some-uuid} instead of email|{some-uuid}. Removing user {some-uuid} from the group and adding it again as email|{some-uuid} fixed it.

Upon further investigation I have seen that :

GET /groups/{group_id}/members endpoint in Authorization Extension API Explorer returns

        "statusCode": 500,
        "error": "Internal Server Error",
        "message": "An internal server error occurred"

The other group members endpoints seem to fine. What is the issue with the above endpoint?

Upon further investigation I have seen that :

GET /groups/{group_id}/members endpoint in Authorization Extension API Explorer returns

        "statusCode": 500,
        "error": "Internal Server Error",
        "message": "An internal server error occurred"

The other group members endpoints seem to fine. What is the issue with the above endpoint?

Although the fix is not yet available, I just wanted to provide an update. The issue is on the radar of the team responsible for that extension and they plan to perform some changes that would likely address this situation, however, this is dependent on some changes on a dependent library and as such there is not a definitive timeline.

Thank you @jmangelo . I hope the issue gets resolved ASAP.

As of today, the “Internal Server Error” response still occurs (as raised by @dmigwi).
has anyone found a solution?

Apologies for the inconvenience! There was an error with some older versions of
the Authorization Extension yesterday that caused this isseu as well. This has been fixed