Hi, I’ve been wondering for some time about reasoning of having getAccessTokenSilently as a async call instead of returning the token the same way the user is returned. I understand it could be an async call if token is not in the cache or requires refreshing, but could the initial one also be returned similar to how the { user } is returned?
I mean, if { user } obtained from useAuth0() is not null, then we’re sure that he has a not expired access token in this moment which could be provided in the same way { user } is provided like { accessToken, user } = useAuth0().
Of course, access token can become expired after some time, but the same could be told for the user which becomes not actual in { accessToken, user } = useAuth0().
Could you tell me about the reasoning behind that and/or a way to achieve that writing my own custom hook which would also return the initial accessToken after logging?