Where is the page to add user metadata aka custom attributes?

I cannot seem to find the page or panel that allows us to manage user metadata. A common example is that you can store their favorite color.

Also, I then want to be able to make a sign-on FORM that asks them for this metadata and makes sure it is unique across all users. Kind of like a username but I do not want it defaulting to just the first part of their email address. I want them to choose it from nothing. I looked around in the forms section for a while but I think I need to add this field somewhere first.


I am looking for the dashboard page that corresponds to this:

Hi @gloomy-penguin-kim,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

You can manage user_metadata in the Auth0 Dashboard or via the Management API. In the Auth0 Dashboard, navigate to User Management > Users. Select a user and scroll to the Metadata section. To use the Management API, you can use this patch a user endpoint: Auth0 Management API v2

Here is an example of a progressive profiling use case with Forms that may prove helpful to you regarding your second question: Use Cases: Configure a progressive profile form using Forms


Mary Beth

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