When the User is Blocked by Brute-Force Protection, the Blocked Field of the Delegated Admin Extension (DAE) Still Displays NO

Problem statement

In Auth0, there are different types of blocks a user can have. When Brute-Force blocks the user, it is displayed as blocked in the Dashboard UI. On the Delegated Admin Extension (DAE), this block will be seen on the blocked_for section of the UI, but this type of block will not display as yes on the blocked field of the extension.


If the user is blocked globally in the tenant, the DAE shows the status as “yes” on the blocked section of the extension since that section is used for this type of block applied in the tenant.

As an example, if testing a user that is blocked both by brute force and globally, see how it is displayed on the DAE.

The users can be blocked globally with the Management API or from the Dashboard UI by navigating to the user options and clicking block.