Using PKCE with auth0-cordova and ionic 5 for refresh tokens

Hi, I’m trying to get refresh tokens in my ionic 5 app. So far I have setup my app setup by following the ionic 4 quickstart. This works fine for the login and authentication part. This is a native app created last month in auth0 and should have refresh_token grant enabled. The goal here is to provide a seamless user experience.

The main problem here is that even when the offline_access scope and the correct audience is included, no refresh token is returned.

login() {
       this.loading = true;
        const options = {
          scope: 'openid profile offline_access',
          audience: audienceUrl,
        console.log('scope', options);
        console.log('audience', audienceUrl);
        // Authorize login request with Auth0: open login page and get auth results
        this.Client.authorize(options, (err, authResult) => {
          if (err) {
   => this.loading = false);
            throw err;
         /*   authResult 
                 idToken: "",
                 scope: "openid profile",
                 tokenType: "Bearer" 
       // storage of tokens and other stuff;

After digging through auth0-cordova repo, I came across the following. I also went through the code to double check this as well.

Given that the repo uses auth0-js within it and uses the implicit-flow, how would I setup auth0-cordova to use the PKCE flow instead? Is this is even possible?
