Im using auth0Lock sdk and want to customize the social connection button text.
I know that i can change the displayName property, but it is not enough, because the text i see on the button is “Sign up with [displayName]”, but i want to change the whole button text. Actually i want to change it to “Sign In with [displayName]”. How can i do it?
all my users are signing in and not signing up, so the button text doesn’t make sense to them.
Hi @jonathanhip
You can customize the whole text using the languageDictionary property from Lock as:
languageDictionary = {
signUpWithLabel: "Sign In with %s"
You can read more about it here:
passwordlessSMSCodeInstructions: 'An SMS with the code has been sent to %s.',
passwordlessSMSInstructions: 'Enter your phone to sign in<br/>or create an account',
phoneNumberInputPlaceholder: 'your phone number',
resendCodeAction: 'Did not get the code?',
resendLabel: 'Resend',
resendingLabel: 'Resending...',
retryLabel: 'Retry',
sentLabel: 'Sent!',
showPassword: 'Show password',
signUpTitle: 'Sign Up',
signUpLabel: 'Sign Up',
signUpSubmitLabel: 'Sign Up',
signUpTerms: 'By signing up, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy.',
signUpWithLabel: 'Sign up with %s',
socialLoginInstructions: '',
socialSignUpInstructions: '',
ssoEnabled: 'Single Sign-On enabled',
submitLabel: 'Submit',
unrecoverableError: 'Something went wrong.<br />Please contact technical support.',
'Use %d-%d letters, numbers and the following characters: "_", ".", "+", "-"',
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thank you very much
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No worries! We are here for you!
March 17, 2021, 1:02pm
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