Users not receiving emails - Auth0 server blacklisted

Hi all,

Some of our users are not receiving Auth0 emails which we are dispatching through our SMTP server. The reason for this is the address - which is an Auth0 server - is getting caught in a few of our user’s mail provider blacklists.

Is there any reason why this auth0 server is on some blacklists and is there anyway around this for users to start receiving emails again?


we are dispatching through our SMTP server

Bit confused, if you’re using your own SMTP server, how would the Auth0 server come into play here? Do you by any change have details of such bounced mail at hand that you could provide (also possible via DM)?

Nevertheless, regarding the blacklisting of mentioned IP, running it against Signals IP, it shows that it’s blacklisted on IPCATV4-DC