User switch between Organization

I have the exact same problem as @aaron.hardy (ty for the useRefreshTokens hint). I have to disable refresh tokens if I want to switch orgs silently, or have them log in every time they switch, which is a no-go for my use case since there are users in this system who can belong to tens of orgs and need to switch between them all the time. Is there anyone in Auth0 who can confirm that this is a bug?

Update: We need to have useRefreshTokens={true} because otherwise login doesn’t work with Safari as mentioned in this thread: 'Login Required' in Safari in accordance with "Error: Login required" for getAccessTokenSlienlty in `auth0-react` in Safari and Incognito windows.
So basically we have to choose between not being able to log in with Safari or having users log in with UI every time they switch organization.