User redirected to MFA unless user checks remember device (with custom domains and rotating refresh tokens)

We recently switched from localstorage to memory as the cacheLocation. We also added custom domains and rotating refresh tokens.

When a user logs in and goes through MFA two things can happen depending on their actions:

  1. If the user checks “Remember this device for 30 days.”, the user is logged in normally.
  2. If the user DOES NOT check the “Remember this device for 30 days.”, the user is logged in normally but then redirect back to the MFA page after a few seconds.
   ...other properties
   code_challenge: codeChallenge,
   code_challenge_method: "S256",
   useRefreshTokens: true

Update 1:

getTokenSilently fails with the error Error: Multifactor authentication required after passing isAuthenticated and handleRedirectCallback calls.