User Profile has no "email" when created via Azure AD Connection

Problem Statement

The user profile has no email when the user is created via Azure AD connection.


The most likely cause is that there is no ‘email’ property for the user in the Azure AD. In some Azure tenants, only the User Principal Name (UPN) is configured.


Add Claims by Configuration

Follow these steps:

  1. Check in the Azure Portal whether the user has an Email property.
  2. If true, then navigate to Azure AD > App registrations > select an Application > Token configuration
  3. Enable upn and email claims for the ID token ( as defined in the following table )
email The addressable email for this user, if the user has one
groups Optional formatting for group claims
upn An identifier for the user that can be used with that username

Add Claims by Rules

Alternatively, add this in a Rule to map UPN as Email: = || user.upn;