User invitations using the change password flow

We are trying to create a flow where our system prepares a user account and then sends out an invitation email so that the user can verify their email and set a password. For this I have found the following article:

I am using the C# libraries to do this Auth0.AuthenticationApi and Auth0.ManagementApi

The documentation (the article linked above) tells me to do the following:

  1. Create a user
  2. Create a password change ticket
  3. Modify the email template

The documentation is not clear on how to actually send the email. Creating a ticket by itself does not send any emails and I can not find an endpoint to send the change password email manually based on the created ticket. I have found another endpoint where you can initiate a change password flow without creating a ticket:

However, doing it that way I have less options available to me, it is for example not possible to set a return url (ResultUrl).

My question is, how do I send an email based on the auth0 change password template using the url from the ticket?

    public async Task<(Result Result, string UserId)> CreateUserAsync(string email)
        var authClient = new AuthenticationApiClient(_auth0Config.Domain);
        var tokenResponse = await authClient.GetTokenAsync(new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest
            ClientId = _auth0Config.Management.ClientId,
            ClientSecret = _auth0Config.Management.ClientSecret,
            Audience = _auth0Config.ManagementBaseUri,

        var managementClient = new ManagementApiClient(tokenResponse.AccessToken, _auth0Config.Domain);

        // Create new user
        var newUser = await managementClient.Users.CreateAsync(new UserCreateRequest
            Email = email,
            Connection = "Username-Password-Authentication",
            Password = RandomStringGenerator.Generate(16),
            EmailVerified = false,
            VerifyEmail = false

        // This works but we can not specify a ResultUrl :(
        await authClient.ChangePasswordAsync(new ChangePasswordRequest
            ClientId = _auth0Config.Management.ClientId,
            Connection = "Username-Password-Authentication",
            Email = email,

        var ticket = await managementClient.Tickets.CreatePasswordChangeTicketAsync(new PasswordChangeTicketRequest
            UserId = newUser.UserId,
            ResultUrl = _appConfig.AppUrl

        // How do send an email using the ticket url (ticket.Value)?

        return (Result.Success(), newUser.UserId);

I understand that user invitation is a common functionality, and I believe many users would benefit from a simpler implementation process within Auth0.

While I appreciate the documentation on sending email invitations for application signup (Send Email Invitations for Application Signup), I found it challenging to follow the steps for sending the actual invitation email after generating the password change ticket.

Here’s what could be helpful:

  • Clearer explanation: Perhaps an additional step-by-step guide could be added to the documentation specifically focused on sending the invitation email with the password change ticket link.
  • Code example: Including a code snippet demonstrating how to integrate this process with an application would further illustrate the concept.
  • Community feedback: It seems like others in the community are facing similar challenges based on the forum discussions. Highlighting successful implementation stories from other users could also be valuable.

By incorporating these suggestions, I believe the documentation would be more user-friendly and empower users to implement user invitations effectively.

:wave: Folks :sunglasses:

I appreciate this thread has been somewhat “lingering” for a while, but I recently came across this and just thought I’d hop on to share some additional information/context - primarily in light of some of the comments mentioned here…and also for folks who might come across this thread in the future :smile:

During our dev_day event this year, we introduced a Lab detailing a mechanism for folks to implement invitation-based workflow using the out-of-the-box Auth0 Organizations feature. Primarily a feature supporting B2B SaaS, the Organizations capability in Auth0 can also be used to implement invites in a B2C context, and leverages much of the Auth0 platform functionality that comes as standard. For more details, take a look at the Implement an Invite Workflow With Auth0 Organizations, and feel free to provide feedback as we’re always looking to improve the functionality the platform offers :hugs:

Hope this helps