We are trying to create a flow where our system prepares a user account and then sends out an invitation email so that the user can verify their email and set a password. For this I have found the following article: https://auth0.com/docs/customize/email/send-email-invitations-for-application-signup
I am using the C# libraries to do this Auth0.AuthenticationApi
and Auth0.ManagementApi
The documentation (the article linked above) tells me to do the following:
- Create a user
- Create a password change ticket
- Modify the email template
The documentation is not clear on how to actually send the email. Creating a ticket by itself does not send any emails and I can not find an endpoint to send the change password email manually based on the created ticket. I have found another endpoint where you can initiate a change password flow without creating a ticket: https://auth0.com/docs/api/authentication#change-password
However, doing it that way I have less options available to me, it is for example not possible to set a return url (ResultUrl).
My question is, how do I send an email based on the auth0 change password template using the url from the ticket?
public async Task<(Result Result, string UserId)> CreateUserAsync(string email)
var authClient = new AuthenticationApiClient(_auth0Config.Domain);
var tokenResponse = await authClient.GetTokenAsync(new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest
ClientId = _auth0Config.Management.ClientId,
ClientSecret = _auth0Config.Management.ClientSecret,
Audience = _auth0Config.ManagementBaseUri,
var managementClient = new ManagementApiClient(tokenResponse.AccessToken, _auth0Config.Domain);
// Create new user
var newUser = await managementClient.Users.CreateAsync(new UserCreateRequest
Email = email,
Connection = "Username-Password-Authentication",
Password = RandomStringGenerator.Generate(16),
EmailVerified = false,
VerifyEmail = false
// This works but we can not specify a ResultUrl :(
await authClient.ChangePasswordAsync(new ChangePasswordRequest
ClientId = _auth0Config.Management.ClientId,
Connection = "Username-Password-Authentication",
Email = email,
var ticket = await managementClient.Tickets.CreatePasswordChangeTicketAsync(new PasswordChangeTicketRequest
UserId = newUser.UserId,
ResultUrl = _appConfig.AppUrl
// How do send an email using the ticket url (ticket.Value)?
return (Result.Success(), newUser.UserId);